What To Do If You’re Hit in a Car Accident
Any Houston driver knows how busy and dangerous freeways, roads, and intersections can be, and we’ve all witnessed our fair share of car accidents. Hopefully, you won’t experience an auto accident, but with thousands of car accidents in Houston every week, we want to make sure you and your loved ones are prepared in case of an unfortunate highway accident.
1. Assess the situation
After the initial shock of a collision, asses the surroundings and how to best handle the situation. Is anyone injured? Are you and the other car in the middle of a busy freeway or in a blind spot area where other cars could hit you?
1.a If you and/or your passengers are not injured:
- Take a picture or write down the other car’s license plate.
- Move your vehicle to the side of the road.
- Call Chenkin Law Firm for immediate assistance, and we’ll make sure to assign an attorney to your case immediately.
- Check the other vehicle(s) driver and passenger for injuries.
1.b If you and/or your passengers are injured:
- Call Chenkin Law Firm for immediate assistance!
- Take a picture or write down the other car’s license plate.
- If you’re able, move your vehicle to the side of the road or a safe location.
2. Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s), including:
- Full Name
- Phone Number
- Address
- Driver’s License Number
- Insurance Provider Information
3. The ambulance will rush you to the nearest emergency room where you’ll receive the necessary medical evaluations and care.
Don’t worry about the cost of your medical bills!
Because you called Chenkin Law Firm to take care of the entire process, we will see to it that the other party’s insurance covers the cost of your medical care and treatments.
4. We will help you with your personal property damage and make sure that the insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you.
Don’t worry about the cost of auto repair!
If you were hit by another driver, Chenkin Law Firm will see to it that their insurance pays for everything!
5. We’ll get you a rental car
As soon as you’re cleared to drive, we’ll make sure we have a rental car waiting for you so you won’t be without transportation while you wait for your vehicle to be repaired.
Don’t worry about the cost of the rental car!
If your vehicle was hit, we’ll make sure the other party’s insurance covers the entire bill so you can rest assured and focus on recovering.
6. We have some of Houston’s finest Personal Injury lawyers and will fight for your rights to get compensated!
Whether you had minor or severe injuries and/or vehicle damage, our attorneys will meet with you to discuss your options and create a plan of action to get you the compensation you’re entitled to!
Don’t worry about the cost of legal representation!
Our Personal Injury Attorneys work on something called the contingency based fee, which means if we don’t win then we don’t get paid.
Our Personal Injury attorneys will see to it that your legal settlement is maximized so it covers all the associated costs of medical and auto repair services, as well as your pain and suffering, lost wages, and any other losses and damages you’ve suffered.
If you or a loved one are injured, allow us to fight for you.